Friday, May 20, 2005

a Kiss from a Beer, then shiver and fleer.

My last week's update is to be posted soon, im just finishing the remaining days of the week.

May 20, 2005

After office hours, my officemates and I went out for a drink in EarthWeb Cafe SM, well, just drink a little to unwind and discuss some life busting problems! jk! :P At 10pm we decided to move to the place, when we arrived, we ordered a round of drinks just to get started.

Since it's friday, many faces were seen outside the cafe, coz the establishment next to the Cafe is a Disco Bar. We had our laughs and praises.....a lot of beautiful and not so desirable people are going in and out in the Cafe and in the disco bar. We all just watch with awe....and boohs. Oh well, before we know it, it's already 3am and it's our 3rd round of pretty sure me and my officemates were tipsy coz most of our conversation was getting more and more nonsense.

So after the last drop of drinks had been serve, we went home on our separate ways. Oh...not yet, we took a cab and they dropped me the road near my place. I took the plate number of the cab, the model of the vehicle and the name of the taxi. While walking I've sent an SMS message to two of my officemates who had their cellphone just to inform them about the vehicle they were riding in case something happen, you know...(concern stuff!). Here is the details: White Toyota Corolla, Emerson Taxi, Plate Number GVL 116. See...I wasn't that drunk! :P ^_^

When I got home, I immediately changed to a more comfy clothes and since it's really hot that night, I slept in my undies. Whoah! that's censored? ....................not!. I said my prayer then...closed my eyes then my world went blank.


Oklungz said...

What's "fleer"? Sorry ha... just ignorant with that one. heheh.

mikegaven said...

intr.v. fleered, fleer·ing, fleers

To smirk or laugh in contempt or derision.